EmberJS – Router Pauses for Promises

The transition can be paused by returning a promise from the model hook. The transition can be completed immediately by returning normal objects or arrays from the model.


Ember.Route.extend ({
   model() {
      return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(param) {
         //code here


The example given below shows how transition will pause if the model returns a promise. Create a new route and name it as promisepause and open the router.js file to define the URL mappings โˆ’

import Ember from 'ember';                   
//Access to Ember.js library as variable Ember
import config from './config/environment';
//It provides access to app's configuration data as variable config 

//The const declares read only variable
const Router = Ember.Router.extend ({
   location: config.locationType,
   rootURL: config.rootURL

//Defines URL mappings that takes parameter as an object to create the routes
Router.map(function() {

//It specifies Router variable available to other parts of the app
export default Router;

Open the file application.hbs file created under app/templates/ with the following code โˆ’

<h2>Router Pauses for Promises</h2>
{{#link-to 'promisepause'}}Click Here{{/link-to}}

When you click the above link, it will open the promise pause template page. The promisepause.hbs file contains the following code โˆ’


Now open the promisepause.js file created under app/routes/ with the following code โˆ’

import Ember from 'ember';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';

export default Ember.Route.extend ({
   model() {
      //RSVP.js is an implementation of Promises
      return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve) {
         Ember.run.later(function () {
            //display the promise message
            resolve ({
               msg: "This is Promise Message..."
         }, 3000); //time in milli second to display promise


Run the ember server and you will receive the following output โˆ’


When you click on the link, model returns the promise which is not resolved until 3 seconds and when the promise fulfills, the router will start transitioning โˆ’


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