Logstash – Plugins

logstash plugins

In this guide we will discuss about plugins in Logstash. Logstash offers various plugins for all three stages of its pipeline (Input, Filter and Output). These plugins help the user to capture logs from various sources like Web Servers, Databases, Over Network Protocols, etc.

After capturing, Logstash can parse and transform the data into meaningful information as required by the user. Lastly, Logstash can send or store that meaningful information to various destination sources like Elasticsearch, AWS Cloudwatch, etc.

Input Plugins

Input plugins in Logstash helps the user to extract and receive logs from various sources. The syntax for using the input plugin is as follows −

Input {
   Plugin name {
      Setting 1……
      Setting 2……..

You can download input plugin by using the following command −

>Logstash-plugin install Logstash-input-<plugin name>

The Logstash-plugin utility is present in the bin folder of the Logstash installation directory. The following table has a list of the input plugins offered by Logstash.

Sr.No.Plugin name & Description
1beatsTo get the logging data or events from elastic beats framework.
2cloudwatchTo extract events from CloudWatch, an API offer by Amazon Web Services.
3couchdb_changesEvents from _chages URI of couchdb shipped using this plugin.
4drupal_dblogTo extract drupal’s watchdog logging data with enabled DBLog.
5ElasticsearchTo retrieve the results of queries performed in Elasticsearch cluster.
6eventlogTo get the events from windows event log.
7execTo get shell command output as an input in Logstash.
8fileTo get the events from an input file. This is useful, when the Logstash is locally installed with the input source and have access to input source logs.
9generatorIt is used for testing purposes, which creates random events.
10githubCaptures events from GitHub webhook.
11graphiteTo get metrics data from graphite monitoring tool.
12heartbeatIt is also used for testing and it produces heartbeat like events
13httpTo collect log events over two network protocols and those are http and https.
14http_pollerIt is used to decode the HTTP API output to an event.
15jdbcIt converts the JDBC transactions to an event in Logstash.
16jmxTo extract the metrics from remote java applications using JMX.
17log4jCapture events from socketAppender object of Log4j over TCP socket.
18rssTo the output of command line tools as an input event in Logstash.
19tcpCaptures events over TCP socket.
20twitterCollect events from twitter streaming API.
21unixCollect events over UNIX socket.
22websocketCapture events over websocket protocol.
23xmppReads events over Jabber/xmpp protocols.

Plugin Settings

All the plugins have their specific settings, which helps to specify the important fields like Port, Path, etc., in a plugin. We will discuss the settings of some of the input plugins.


This input plugin is used to extract events directly from log or text files present in the input source. It works similar to the tail command in UNIX and save the last read cursor and read only the new appended data from the input file, but it can be changed by using star_position setting. Following are the settings of this input plugin.

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
add_field{}Append a new field to the input event.
close_older3600The files having last read time (in seconds) more than the specified in this plugin is closed.
codec“plain”It is used to decode the data before entering into the Logstash pipeline.
delimiter“\n”It is used to specify a new line delimiter.
discover_interval15It is the time interval (in seconds) between discovering new files in the specified path.
enable_metrictrueIt is used to enable or disable the reporting and collection of metric for the specified plugin.
excludeIt is used to specify the filename or patterns, which should be excluded from input plugin.
IdTo specify a unique identity for that plugin instance.
max_open_filesIt specifies the maximum number of input files by Logstash at any time.
pathSpecify the path of the files and it can contain the patterns for filename.
start_position“end”You can change to “beginning”, if you want that; initially Logstash should start reading the files from the starting and not only the new log event.
start_interval1It specifies the time interval in seconds, after which Logstash checks for the modified files.
tagsTo add any additional information, like Logstash, it adds “_grokparsefailure” in tags, when any log event failed to comply with the specified grok filter.
typeThis is a special field, which you can add to an input event and it is useful in filters and kibana.


This particular plugin is used to read the search queries results in an Elasticsearch cluster. The following has the settings used in this plugin −

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
add_field{}Same as in file plugin, it is used to append a field in input event.
ca_fileIt is used to specify the path of SSL certificate Authority file.
codec“plain”It is used to decode the input events from Elasticsearch before entering in the Logstash pipeline.
docinfo“false”You can change it to true, if you want to extract the additional information like index, type and id from Elasticsearch engine.
docinfo_fields[“_index”, “_type”, “_id”]You can eliminate any field, which you do not want in your Logstash input.
enable_metrictrueIt is used to enable or disable the reporting and collection of metric for that plugin instance.
hostsIt is used to specify the addresses of all elasticsearch engines, which will be the input source of that Logstash instance. The syntax is host:port or IP:port.
IdIt is used to give a unique identity number to that specific input plugin instance.
index“logstash-*”It is used to specify the index name or a pattern, which Logstash will monitor by Logstash for input.
passwordFor authentication purposes.
query“{ \”sort\”: [ \”_doc\” ] }”Query for the execution.
sslfalseEnable or disable secure socket layer.
tagsTo add any additional information in input events.
typeIt is used to classify the input forms so that it will be easy to search all the input events at later stages.
userFor authentic purposes.


This input plugin reads data from win32 API of windows servers. Followings are the settings of this plugin −

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
add_field{}Same as in file plugin, it is used to append a field in input event
codec“plain”It is used to decode the input events from windows; before entering in the Logstash pipeline
logfile[“Application”, “Security”, “System”]Events required in the input log file
interval1000It is in milliseconds and defines the interval between two consecutive checks of new event logs
tagsTo add any additional information in input events
typeIt is used to classify the input form a specific plugins to given type, so that it will be easy to search all the input events in later stages


This input plugin is used to collect the feed of twitter from its Streaming API. The following table describes the settings of this plugin.

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
add_field{}Same as in file plugin, it is used to append a field in input event
codec“plain”It is used to decode the input events from windows; before entering in the Logstash pipeline
consumer_keyIt contains the twitter app’s consumer key. For more info, visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
consumer_secretIt contains the twitter app’s consumer secret key. For more info, visit https://dev.twitter.com/apps/new
enable_metrictrueIt is used to enable or disable the reporting and collection of metric for that plugin instance
followsIt specifies the user ids separated by commas and LogStash checks these users’ status in Twitter.For more info, visithttps://dev.twitter.com
full_tweetfalseYou can change it to true, if you want Logstash to read the full object return from twitter API
idIt is used to give a unique identity number to that specific input plugin instance
ignore_retweetsFalseYou can change set it true to ignore the retweets in the input twitter feed
keywordsIt’s an array of keywords, which need to be tracked in the twitters input feed
languageIt defines the language of the tweets needed by LogStash from input twitter feed. This is an array of identifier, which defines a specific language in twitter
locationsTo filter out the tweets from input feed according to the location specified. This is an array, which contains longitude and latitude of the location
oauth_tokenIt is a required filed, which contains user oauth token. For more information please visit the following link https://dev.twitter.com/apps
oauth_token_secretIt is a required filed, which contains user oauth secret token. For more information please visit the following link https://dev.twitter.com/apps
tagsTo add any additional information in input events
typeIt is used to classify the input form a specific plugins to given type, so that it will be easy to search all the input events in later stages


TCP is used to get the events over the TCP socket; it can read from the user connections or server, which is specified in mode setting. The following table describes the settings of this plugin −

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
add_field{}Same as in file plugin, it is used to append a field in input event
codec“plain”It is used to decode the input events from windows; before entering in the Logstash pipeline
enable_metrictrueIt is used to enable or disable the reporting and collection of metric for that plugin instance
host“”The address of the server OS the client depends upon
idIt contains the twitter app’s consumer key
mode“server”It is used to specify the input source is server or client.
portIt defines the port number
ssl_certIt is used to specify the path of SSL certificate
ssl_enablefalseEnable or disable SSL
ssl_keyTo specify the path of SSL key file
tagsTo add any additional information in input events
typeIt is used to classify the input form a specific plugins to given type, so that it will be easy to search all the input events in later stages

Logstash – Output Plugins

Logstash supports various output sources and in different technologies like Database, File, Email, Standard Output, etc.

The syntax for using the output plugin is as follows −

output {
   Plugin name {
      Setting 1……
      Setting 2……..

You can download the output plugin by using the following command −

>logstash-plugin install logstash-output-<plugin name>

The Logstash-plugin utility is present in the bin folder of Logstash installation directory. The following table describes the output plugins offered by Logstash.

Sr.No.Plugin Name & Description
1CloudWatchThis plugin is used to send aggregated metric data to CloudWatch of amazon web services.
2csvIt is used to write the output events in a comma-separated manner.
3ElasticsearchIt is used to store the output logs in Elasticsearch index.
4emailIt is used to send a notification email, when the output is generated. User can add information about the output in email.
5execIt is used to a run a command, which match the output event.
6gangliaIt writhe the metrics to gmond of Gangila.
7gelfIt is used to produce output for Graylog2 in GELF format.
8google_bigqueryIt outputs the events to Google BigQuery.
9google_cloud_storageIt store the output events to Google Cloud Storage.
10graphiteIt is used to store the output events to Graphite.
11graphtasticIt is used to write the output metrics on Windows.
12hipchatIt is used to store the output log events to HipChat.
13httpIt is used to send the output log events to http or https endpoints.
14influxdbIt is used to store the output event in InfluxDB.
15ircIt is used to write the output events to irc.
16mongodbIt stores the output data in MongoDB.
17nagiosIt is used to notify Nagios with the passive check results.
18nagios_nscaIt is used to notify Nagios with the passive check results over NSCA protocol.
19opentsdbIt store the Logstash output events to OpenTSDB.
20pipeIt streams the output events to the standard input of another program.
21rackspaceIt is used to send the output log events to Queue service of Rackspace Cloud.
22redisIt uses rpush command to send the output logging data to Redis queue.
23riakIt is used to store the output events to the Riak distributed key/value pair.
24s3It store the output logging data to Amazon Simple Storage Service.
25snsIt is used to send the output events to Amazon’s Simple Notification Service.
26solr_httpIt indexes and stores the output logging data in Solr.
27spsIt is used to ship the events to Simple Queue Service of AWS.
28statsdIt is used to ship the metrics data to statsd network daemon.
29stdoutIt is used to show the output events on standard output of CLI like command prompt.
30syslogIt is used to ships the output events to syslog server.
31tcpIt is used to send the output events to TCP socket.
32udpIt is used to push the output events over UDP.
33websocketIt is used to push the output events over WebSocket protocol.
34xmppIt is used to push the output events over XMPP protocol.

All the plugins have their specific settings, which helps to specify the important fields like Port, Path, etc., in a plugin. We will discuss the settings of some of the output plugins.


Elasticsearch output plugin enables Logstash to store the output in the specific clusters of Elasticsearch engine. This is one of the famous choices of users because it comes in the package of ELK Stack and therefore, provides end-to-end solutions for Devops. The following table describes the settings of this output plugin.

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
actionindexIt is used to define the action performed in Elasticsearch engine. Other values for this settings are delete, create, update, etc.
cacertIt contains the path of file with .cer or .pem for server’s certificate validation.
codec“plain”It is used to encode the output logging data before sending it to the destination source.
doc_as_upsetfalseThis setting is used in case of update action. It creates a document in Elasticsearch engine, if the document id is not specified in output plugin.
document_typeIt is used to store the same type of events in the same document type. If it is not specified, then the event type is used for the same.
flush_size500This is used for improving the performance of bulk upload in Elasticsearch
hosts[“”]It is an array of destination addresses for output logging data
idle_flush_time1It defines the time limit (second) between the two flushes, Logstash forces flush after the specified time limit in this setting
index“logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}”It is used to specify the index of Elasticsearch engine
manage_temlpatetrueIt is used to apply the default template in Elasticsearch
parentnilIt is used to specify the id of parent document in Elasticsearch
passwordIt is used to authenticate the request to a secure cluster in Elasticsearch
pathIt is used to specify the HTTP path of Elasticsearch.
pipelinenilIt is used to set the ingest pipeline, user wish to execute for an event
proxyIt is used to specify HTTP proxy
retry_initial_interval2It is used to set the initial time interval (seconds) between bulk retries. It get double after each retry until it reach to retry_max_interval
retry_max_interval64It is used to set the maximum time interval for retry_initial_interval
retry_on_conflict1It is the number of retries by Elasticsearch to update a document
sslTo enable or disable SSL/TLS secured to Elasticsearch
templateIt contains the path of the customized template in Elasticsearch
template_name“logstash”This is used to name the template in Elasticsearch
timeout60It is the timeout for network requests to Elasticsearch
upsert“”It update the document or if the document_id does not exist, it creates a new document in Elasticsearch
userIt contains the user to authenticate the Logstash request in secure Elasticsearch cluster


The email output plugin is used to notify the user, when Logstash generates output. The following table describes the settings for this plugin.

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
address“localhost”It is the address of mail server
attachments[]It contains the names and locations of the attached files
body“”It contains the body of email and should be plain text
ccIt contains the email addresses in comma separated manner for the cc of email
codec“plain”It is used to encode the output logging data before sending it to the destination source.
contenttype“text/html; charset = UTF-8”It is used to content-type of the email
debugfalseIt is used to execute the mail relay in debug mode
domain“localhost”It is used to set the domain to send the email messages
from[email protected]It is used to specify the email address of the sender
htmlbody“”It is used to specify the body of email in html format
passwordIt is used to authenticate with the mail server
port25It is used to define the port to communicate with the mail server
replytoIt is used to specify the email id for reply-to field of email
subject“”It contains the subject line of the email
use_tlsfalseEnable or disable TSL for the communication with the mail server
usernameIs contains the username for the authentication with the server
via“smtp”It defines the methods of sending email by Logstash


This setting is used to send the output events over http to the destination. This plugin has following settings −

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
automatic_retries1It is used to set the number of http request retries by logstash
cacertIt contains the path of file for server’s certificate validation
codec“plain”It is used to encode the output logging data before sending it to the destination source.
content_typeI specifies the content type of http request to the destination server
cookiestrueIt is used to enable or disable cookies
format“json”It is used to set the format of http request body
headersIt contains the information of http header
http_method“”It is used to specify the http method used in the request by logstash and the values can be “put”, “post”, “patch”, “delete”, “get”, “head”
request_timeout60It is used to authenticate with the mail server
urlIt is a required setting for this plugin to specify the http or https endpoint


The stdout output plugin is used to write the output events on the standard output of the command line interface. It is command prompt in windows and terminal in UNIX. This plugin has the following settings −

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
codec“plain”It is used to encode the output logging data before sending it to the destination source.
workers1It is used to specify number of workers for the output


It is a network daemon used to send the matrices data over UDP to the destination backend services. It is command prompt in windows and terminal in UNIX. This plugin has following settings −

Setting NameDefault ValueDescription
codec“plain”It is used to encode the output logging data before sending it to the destination source.
count{}It is used to define the count to be used in metrics
decrement[]It is used to specify the decrement metric names
host“localhost”It contains the address of statsd server
increment[]It is used to specify the increment metric names
port8125It contains the port of statsd server
sample_rate1It is used specify the sample rate of metric
sender“%{host}”It specifies the name of the sender
set{}It is used to specify a set metric
timing{}It is used to specify a timing metric
workers1It is used to specify number of workers for the output

Filter Plugins

Logstash supports various filter plugins to parse and transform input logs to a more structured and easy to query format.

The syntax for using the filter plugin is as follows −

filter {
   Plugin name {
      Setting 1……
      Setting 2……..

You can download the filter plugin by using the following command −

>logstash-plugin install logstash-filter-<plugin name>

The Logstash-plugin utility is present in the bin folder of Logstash installation directory. The following table describes the output plugins offered by Logstash.

Sr.No.Plugin Name & Description
1aggregateThis plugin collects or aggregate the data from various event of same type and process them in the final event
2alterIt allows user to alter the field of log events, which mutate filter do not handle
3anonymizeIt is used replace the values of fields with a consistent hash
4cipherIt is used to encrypt the output events before storing them in destination source
5cloneIt is used to create duplicate of the output events in Logstash
6collateIt merges the events from different logs by their time or count
7csvThis plugin parse data from input logs according to the separator
8dateIt parse the dates from the fields in the event and set that as a timestamp for the event
9dissectThis plugin helps user to extract fields from unstructured data and makes it easy for grok filter to parse them correctly
10dropIt is used to drop all the events of same type or any other similarity
11elapsedIt is used to compute the time between the start and end events
12ElasticsearchIt is used to copy the fields of previous log events present in Elasticsearch to the current one in Logstash
13extractnumbersIt is used to extract the number from strings in the log events
14geoipIt adds a field in the event, which contains the latitude and longitude of the location of the IP present in the log event
15grokIt is the commonly used filter plugin to parse the event to get the fields
16i18nIt deletes the special characters from a filed in the log event
17jsonIt is used to create a structured Json object in event or in a specific field of an event
18kvThis plugin is useful in paring key value pairs in the logging data
19metricsIt is used to aggregate metrics like counting time duration in each event
20multilineIt is also one of the commonly use filter plugin, which helps user in case of converting a multiline logging data to a single event.
21mutateThis plugin is used to rename, remove, replace, and modify fields in your events
22rangeIt used to check the numerical values of fields in events against an expected range and string’s length within a range.
23rubyIt is used to run arbitrary Ruby code
24sleepThis makes Logstash sleeps for a specified amount of time
25splitIt is used to split a field of an event and placing all the split values in the clones of that event
26xmlIt is used to create event by paring the XML data present in the logs

Codec plugins

Codec Plugins can be a part of input or output plugins. These Plugins are used to change or format the logging data presentation. Logstash offers multiple codec Plugins and those are as follows −

Sr.No.Plugin Name & Description
1avroThis plugin encode serialize Logstash events to avro datums or decode avro records to Logstash events
2cloudfrontThis plugin reads the encoded data from AWS cloudfront
3cloudtrailThis plugin is used to read the data from AWS cloudtrail
4collectdThis reads data from the binary protocol called collected over UDP
5compress_spoolerIt is used to compress the log events in Logstash to spooled batches
6dotsThis is used performance tracking by setting a dot for every event to stdout
7es_bulkThis is used to convert the bulk data from Elasticsearch into Logstash events including Elasticsearch metadata
8graphiteThis codec read data from graphite into events and change the event into graphite formatted records
9gzip_linesThis plugin is used to handle gzip encoded data
10jsonThis is used to convert a single element in Json array to a single Logstash event
11json_linesIt is used to handle Json data with newline delimiter
12lineIt plugin will read and write event in a single live, that means after newline delimiter there will be a new event
13multilineIt is used to convert multiline logging data into a single event
14netflowThis plugin is used to convert nertflow v5/v9 data to logstash events
15nmapIt parses the nmap result data into an XML format
16plainThis reads text without delimiters
17rubydebugThis plugin will write the output Logstash events using Ruby awesome print library

Build Your Own Plugin

You can also create your own Plugins in Logstash, which suites your requirements. The Logstash-plugin utility is used to create custom Plugins. Here, we will create a filter plugin, which will add a custom message in the events.

Generate the Base Structure

A user can generate the necessary files by using the generate option of the logstash-plugin utility or it is also available on the GitHub.

>logstash-plugin generate --type filter --name myfilter --path c:/tpwork/logstash/lib

Here, type option is used to specify the plugin is either Input, Output or Filter. In this example, we are creating a filter plugin named myfilter. The path option is used to specify the path, where you want your plugin directory to be created. After executing the above mentioned command, you will see that a directory structure is created.

Develop the Plugin

You can find the code file of the plugin in the \lib\logstash\filters folder in the plugin directory. The file extension will be .rb.

In our case, the code file was located inside the following path −


We change the message to − default ⇒ “Hi, You are learning this on adglob.com” and save the file.

Install the Plugin

To install this plugin, the Gemfile of Logstash need to be modified. You can find this file in the installation directory of Logstash. In our case, it will be in C:\tpwork\logstash. Edit this file using any text editor and add the following text in it.

gem "logstash-filter-myfilter",:path => "C:/tpwork/logstash/lib/logstash-filter-myfilter"

In the above command, we specify the name of the plugin along with where we can find it for installation. Then, run the Logstash-plugin utility to install this plugin.

>logstash-plugin install --no-verify


Here, we are adding myfilter in one of the previous examples −


This Logstash config file contains myfilter in the filter section after the grok filter plugin.

input {
   file {
      path => "C:/tpwork/logstash/bin/log/input1.log"
filter {
   grok {
      match => [
         "message", "%{LOGLEVEL:loglevel} - %{NOTSPACE:taskid} -
            %{NOTSPACE:logger} - %{WORD:label}( - %{INT:duration:int})?" ]
output {
   file {
      path => "C:/tpwork/logstash/bin/log/output1.log"
      codec => rubydebug

Run logstash

We can run Logstash by using the following command.

>logstash –f logsatsh.conf


The following code block shows the input log data.

INFO - 48566 - TRANSACTION_START - start


The following code block shows the output log data.

   "path" => "C:/tpwork/logstash/bin/log/input.log",
   "@timestamp" => 2017-01-07T06:25:25.484Z,
   "loglevel" => "INFO",
   "logger" => "TRANSACTION_END",
   "@version" => "1",
   "host" => "Dell-PC",
   "label" => "end",
   "message" => "Hi, You are learning this on adglob.com",
   "taskid" => "48566",
   "tags" => []

Publish it on Logstash

A developer can also publish his/her custom plugin to Logstash by uploading it on the github and following the standardized steps defined by the Elasticsearch Company.

Please refer the following URL for more information on publishing −


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