Java 8 – Nashorn JavaScript

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Java 8 - Nashorn JavaScript

This topic is about Java 8 – Nashorn JavaScript.

With Java 8, Nashorn, a much improved javascript engine is introduced, to replace the existing Rhino. Nashorn provides 2 to 10 times better performance, as it directly compiles the code in memory and passes the bytecode to JVM. Nashorn uses invoke dynamics feature, introduced in Java 7 to improve performance.


For Nashorn engine, JAVA 8 introduces a new command line tool, jjs, to execute javascript codes at console.

Interpreting js File

Create and save the file sample.js in c:\> JAVA folder.


print('Hello World!');

Open console and use the following command.

C:\JAVA>jjs sample.js

It will produce the following output:

Hello World!

jjs in Interactive Mode

Open the console and use the following command.

jjs> print("Hello, World!")
Hello, World!
jjs> quit()

Pass Arguments

Open the console and use the following command.

C:\JAVA> jjs -- a b c
jjs> print('letters: ' +arguments.join(", "))
letters: a, b, c

Calling JavaScript from Java

Using ScriptEngineManager, JavaScript code can be called and interpreted in Java.


Create the following Java program using any editor of your choice in, say, C:\> JAVA.

import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
import javax.script.ScriptException;

public class Java8Tester {

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      ScriptEngineManager scriptEngineManager = new ScriptEngineManager();
      ScriptEngine nashorn = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByName("nashorn");
      String name = "Mahesh";
      Integer result = null;
      try {
         nashorn.eval("print('" + name + "')");
         result = (Integer) nashorn.eval("10 + 2");
      } catch(ScriptException e) {
         System.out.println("Error executing script: "+ e.getMessage());

Verify the Result

Compile the class using javac compiler as follows โˆ’


Now run the Java8Tester as follows โˆ’

C:\JAVA>java Java8Tester

It should produce the following result โˆ’


Calling Java from JavaScript

The following example explains how to import and use Java classes in java script.

Create and save sample.js in c:\> JAVA folder.


var BigDecimal = Java.type('java.math.BigDecimal');

function calculate(amount, percentage) {

   var result = new BigDecimal(amount).multiply(new BigDecimal(percentage)).divide(
      new BigDecimal("100"), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
   return result.toPlainString();
var result = calculate(568000000000000000023,13.9);

Open the console and use the following command.

C:\JAVA>jjs sample.js

It should produce the following output โˆ’


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