If-else statement

If-else statement

In this guide we will discuss about If-else statement.

In the if statement, the inner code is executed when the condition is true. The code which is outside the if block will be executed when the if condition is false.

There is another type of decision-making statement known as the if-else statement. An if-else statement is the if statement followed by an else statement. An if-else statement, else statement will be executed when the boolean expression will false. In simple words, If a Boolean expression will have true value, then the if block gets executed otherwise, the else block will get executed.

R programming treats any non-zero and non-null values as true, and if the value is either zero or null, then it treats them as false.

The basic syntax of If-else statement is as follows:

if(boolean_expression) {  
   // statement(s) will be executed if the boolean expression is true.  
} else {  
   // statement(s) will be executed if the boolean expression is false.  
If-else statement hjhhn

Example 1

# local variable definition  
a<- 100  
#checking boolean condition  
    # if the condition is true then print the following  
    cat("a is less than 20\n")  
    # if the condition is false then print the following  
    cat("a is not less than 20\n")  
cat("The value of a is", a)  


If-else statement mkj

Example 2

x <- c("Hardwork","is","the","key","of","success")  
if("key" %in% x) {    
   print("key is found")  
} else {  
   print("key is not found")  


If-else statement bhg

Example 3

a<- 100  
#checking boolean condition  
    cat("a is less than 20")  
        cat(" and an even number\n")  
        cat(" but not an even number\n")  
    cat("a is greater than 20")  
        cat(" and an even number\n")  
        cat(" but not an even number\n")  


If-else statement gty

Example 4

a<- 'u'  
    cat("character is a vowel\n")     
    cat("character is a constant")  
cat("character is =",a)  


If-else statement fgv

Example 5

a<- 'u'  
    cat("character is a vowel\n")     
    cat("character is a constant")  
cat("character is =",a)  


If-else statement abc

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