Grav – Forms

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You can create a form using the form plugin available in this link. Search for the form plugin and install it in your Grav folder.

You can also install this plugin using the command $ bin/gpm install Form. Navigate to your root folder of Grav and type this command. It will automatically download the form plugin and install the necessary dependencies.

Creating a Simple Form

You can create a simple form which can be defined in the page YAML frontmatter. The following is an example of a form −

title: Contact Form

   name: contact

      - name: name
         label: Name
         placeholder: Enter your name
         autofocus: on
         autocomplete: on
         type: text
            required: true

      - name: email
         label: Email
         placeholder: Enter your email address
         type: email
            required: true

      - name: message
         label: Message
         placeholder: Enter your message
         type: textarea
            required: true

      - name: g-recaptcha-response
         label: Captcha
         type: captcha
         recatpcha_site_key: 6LelOg4TAAAAALAt1CjjjVMxFLKY8rrnednYVbr8
         recaptcha_not_validated: 'Captcha not valid!'
            required: true

      - type: submit
         value: Submit
      - type: reset
         value: Reset

      - email:
         subject: "[Site Contact Form] {{|e }}"
         body: "{% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}"
      - save:
         fileprefix: contact-
         dateformat: Ymd-His-u
         extension: txt
         body: "{% include 'forms/data.txt.twig' %}"
      - message: Thank you for getting in touch!
      - display: thankyou

The above code shows simple form page with name, email, message and Captcha fields. When you submit the information after filling the form, the form will process by adding process field to the YAML frontmatter as shown in the code.

The process field uses the following information −

  • The email option uses two fields such as from field specify sender of the email and to field specify receiver of the mail.
  • The subject uses [feedback][entered mail] option in which email is sent to the entered email.
  • The body of the email is specified in the forms/data.html.twig file which is present in the theme folder.
  • The form input data is stored under the user/data folder. The template is defined in the forms/data.txt.twig file which is present in the theme folder.
  • Create a subpage under the thankyou/ sub folder which will be redirected to that page when a user submits the form.

You can use some fields with the form plugin as shown in the following table −

Sr.No.Field & Description
1CaptchaIt is an antispam field which is used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human.
2CheckboxIt displays a simple checkbox.
3CheckboxesIt displays multiple checkboxes.
4Date and DatetimeBoth fields are used to display date and date along with time respectively.
5EmailIt is an email field with validation.
6HiddenIt specifies the hidden field.
7PasswordIt specifies the password field.
8RadioIt displays the simple radio buttons.
9SelectIt provides select field.
10SpacerIt allows to add title, text or horizontal line to the form.
11TextIt displays simple text field.
12TextareaIt displays simple text area field.
13DisplayIt displays the text or instruction field, not the input field.

Fields Parameter

Every field accepts the following parameters which can be used to customize the appearance in the form.

Sr.No.Parameter & Description
1labelIt defines the label field.
2validate.requiredIt makes the element required.
3validate.patternIt specifies validation pattern.
4validate.messageIt display the message when validation fails.
5typeIt defines the field type.
6defaultIt defines the default field type.
7sizeIt displays the field size such as large, x-small, medium, long, small.
8nameIt defines the field name.
9classesIt uses string with css classes.
10idIt defines the field id.
11styleIt specifies the style of the field.
12titleIt defines the title of the field.
13disabledIt determines whether or not the field is in a disabled state.
14placeholderIt is a short hint which is displayed in the input field before the user enters a value.
15autofocusIt specifies that an input element should automatically get focus when the page loads.
16novalidateIt specifies that form data should not be validated when submitted.
17readonlyIt determines field as read only state.
18autocompleteIt displays the options in the field when user starts typing in the field and displays the values based on earlier typed values.

Some of the fields contains specific parameters such as −

Sr.No.Parameter & Description
1date and datetimeThese fields use validate.min and validate.max to set minimum and maximum values.
2spacerIt uses underline to add <hr> tag, adds text values using text and uses title as <h3> tag.
3selectIt uses multiple parameter to add multiple values.
4select and checkboxesIt uses options field to set the available options.
5displayIt uses content parameter to display the content. It sets the markdown to true to show the content.
6captchaIt uses recatpcha_site_key and recaptcha_not_validated parameters.

Note on Captcha

We have code on captcha information under field called g-recaptcha-response as shown below −

- name: g-recaptcha-response
   label: Captcha
   type: captcha
   recatpcha_site_key: 6LelOg4TAAAAALAt1CjjjVMxFLKY8rrnednYVbr8
   recaptcha_not_validated: 'Captcha not valid!'
		required: true

The reCaptcha is used to protect your website from spam and abuse. It uses the recatpcha_site_key option and displays the widget on your site. To use reCaptcha, just refer the reCaptcha docs. If reCaptcha is incorrect, then it will display message using the recaptcha_not_validated option.

Form Actions


You can send an email with specific options under the process field as shown below −

- email:
	from: "{{ }}"
	to: "{{ }}"
	subject: "Contact by {{|e }}"
	body: "{% include 'forms/data.html.twig' %}"

It uses the email option which includes two fields; the from field specifies the sender of the email address and the to field specifies the recevier of the email address by using the Email plugin configuration. The email field also uses subject option in which an email is sent to the email entered with the subject [Contact by][name entered] and the body of the email is defined in the forms/data.html.twig file of the theme.

Redirecting to Other Page

You can redirect to another page by using message and display options defined under the process field.

   - message: Thank you for getting in touch!
   - display: thankyou

The message option sets a message which should be displayed when a user click the submit button. When a user submits the form, it should be redirected to another page. Create one subpage under the thankyou subfolder where your file is stored. After submitting the form, it will be redirected on the page and displays the above message.

The subpage called thankyou/ will have the following content.

title: Email sent
cache_enable: false
   twig: true

## Your email has been sent!

When you submit the form, the plugin will send an email to the user and data is saved under the data/folder.


It is used to save the data to a file which is saved under the user/data folder.

For instance −

   - save:
      fileprefix: contact-
      dateformat: Ymd-His-u
      extension: txt
      body: "{% include 'forms/data.txt.twig' %}"

The data will be stored in text format with extension txt. The body is taken from the templates/forms/data.html.twig file of the theme.

The following screen shows a simple form −


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