Behave – Background

Behave - Background

A Behave Background is added to have a group of steps. It is close to a Scenario. We can add a context to multiple Scenarios with Background. It is run prior to every Scenario of a feature, but post the execution of before hooks.

The background is generally used for executing preconditions like login Scenarios or database connections, and so on.

A Behave Background description can be added for better human readability. It can appear only for a single time in a feature file and must be declared prior to a Scenario or Scenario Outline.

A Background should not be used to create a complex state (only if it cannot be avoided). This segment should be brief and authentic. Also, we should avoid having a large number of scenarios within one feature file.

Feature File with Background

The feature file with background for the feature titled payment process is as follows โˆ’

Feature โˆ’ Payment Process
      Given launch application
      Then Input credentials
   Scenario โˆ’ Credit card transaction
      Given user is on credit card payment screen
      Then user should be able to complete credit card payment
   Scenario โˆ’ Debit card transaction
      Given user is on debit card payment screen
      Then user should be able to complete debit card payment

Corresponding Step Implementation File

The file is given below โˆ’

from behave import *
@given('launch application')
def launch_application(context):
   print('launch application')
@then('Input credentials')
def input_credentials(context):
   print('Input credentials')
@given('user is on credit card payment screen')
def credit_card_pay(context):
   print('User is on credit card payment screen')
@then('user should be able to complete credit card payment')
def credit_card_pay_comp(context):
   print('user should be able to complete credit card pay')
@given('user is on debit card payment screen')
def debit_card_pay(context):
   print('User is on debit card payment screen')
@then('user should be able to complete debit card payment')
def debit_card_pay_comp(context):
   print('user should be able to complete debit card payment')


The output obtained is behaving –no-capture -f plain.

Behave - Background

The continued output is as follows โˆ’

Behave - Background

The output shows the Background steps (Given Launch applications & Then Input Credentials) running twice before each of the Scenarios.

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